Music Healing Circle 

An intimate concert with intention.

Music Healing Circle is the unique blend of a sound healing, using the principles of music and song, combined with share-circle and process group therapy.

This is an opportunity to have Tom Rossi play and sing for you directly, with focused intention, to help and support your own self-healing practice. 

With the help of customized pieces of music and song, you will be able to release pain and stress, access deeper feelings, and move blocked energy in the body.

Music Healing Circle is an intimate gathering of 15 people, where you bring an intention to work on something within yourself to deepen your own healing, using the power of Tom’s soothing voice and music to help your process.

Tom will play and sing through a series of musical pieces on different instruments designed to penetrate the chaos of the mind and transcend you to new depths within yourself. 

After the music, we will begin the group process circle where you will have the opportunity to share and process your experience, as well as witnessing others in their process. 

MHC is a confidential, safe and supportive environment where the group dynamic is powerful medicine to reveal we are not alone, however isolated and challenging our issues may seem. 

To make use of the music in this way and feel the support of others in this similar experience, is positively life changing.